
Experts now warn that £10,900 is needed for retirement in the UK

New UK Retirement Living Standards were issued recently prompting a pension update. As a result, many people living in the UK will be curious about the expense of a happy retirement as experts have warned that people should save £10,900 a year for a comfortable retirement in the future.

Many people have particular retirement objectives. They could want to tour the globe, pursue a new hobby, or upgrade their house, and they might use their state pension or other resources to do so. It might be impossible to estimate how much all of this will wind up costing, regardless of a person's future goals. 

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has released new Retirement Living Standards to assist Britons to understand what type of lifestyle they desire and how much it will cost them.

What are pensions?
When you retire, you will receive this sort of income. The amount you get is determined by how much you put into your pension fund throughout your working years. There are three main types of pension which include:

  • State - If you have lived in the United Kingdom for most of your life and have paid National Insurance contributions, you should be eligible for a State Pension.

  • Employer - Without the assistance of an independent financial consultant or a pension business representative, you can create and administer a Self-Invested Personal Pension. Before investing in a SIPP, make sure you understand the risks or talk to an independent financial adviser about your choices.

  • Self Invested personal pension (SIPP) - Without the assistance of an independent financial consultant or a pension business representative, you can create and administer a Self-Invested Personal Pension. 

Should I pay into pensions?
Investing in a pension is a sensible idea in general. A pension provides you with a source of income once you retire or reach the age of 55 and begin working less. 

While there are a variety of methods to save and invest for retirement, a pension offers a number of advantages when it comes to saving for your retirement years, it includes the following:

  • Tax relief
Pension payments are not only tax-free, but the government also adds 25% to any contributions you make up to a specific level; and if you're a higher or extra rate taxpayer, you may claim even more through your tax return form.

  • Work pension
Employers are required by law to contribute to a pension on your behalf if you have a workplace pension. Not only does the government make contributions in the form of tax relief, but your employer also makes payments. Make sure to ask if you are unsure how much your company contributes to your workplace pension. 

How much should I save for a comfortable retirement in the future?
Since 2019, the yearly expenditure required for a decent retirement living level has grown by £600 for one person to £33,600 and £2,200 for a pair to £49,700. 
Regular beauty treatments, theatre visits, and annual maintenance and repair of a burglar alarm were all included. 

According to the PLSA, one out of every six single employees is expected to earn a moderate to comfortable salary. If they are in a relationship and split costs, they will be able to accomplish this more easily.

When should I start a pension?
To maximise your pension savings, it's important to establish a pension as soon as possible. Even if you start a pension later in life, you may still accumulate a pension income.

How can I increase my savings for my pension?
There are a few more things you can do to assist you to save more money in preparation for retirement. You could consider doing the following:

  • Work past the age of retirement 
The longer you work, the more money you can put into your retirement account. If you do this, you'll also get a greater State Pension. Alternatively, you may choose a phased retirement, in which you gradually move to complete retirement over a period of years. 

  • Establish a second source of income
You might be able to get part-time work, or if you have the space, you may also get a lodger. You may also start your own secondary company doing something you like. This would offer you something to focus on in retirement, something you're enthusiastic about and something that pays well.

  • Speak with a financial advisor 
They'll be able to talk you through your alternatives and assist you in making a decision.

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2022-02-11 15:00 Latest News