
The Importance of Succession Planning

Succession planning is concerned with identifying and developing talent for future leadership and business-critical positions. In the face of a skills scarcity, succession planning has gained traction, and it is now used in both large and small businesses. 

We'll outline what this process comprises, explore why it's important to your company, and how you may approach a possible successor in this article.

What is Succession Planning?
The process of identifying and preparing possible future leaders and senior managers, as well as individuals, to fill business-critical jobs is known as succession planning. 

Practical, targeted work experience relevant to future responsibilities is usually included in succession planning programmes.

Why is this process so important?
The talent management approach necessitates succession planning. It enables you to discover critical roles, persons with the necessary skills, and openings that must be filled fast.

It also enables organisations to manage to recruit in-house, which reduces recruitment expenditures. Even though some candidates may lack the necessary abilities, succession planning frequently involves training and coaching for possible successors. 

The practice is intended to assist organisations in identifying future leaders. There may be people working in back-office jobs who have the potential or abilities to advance to a higher position, but who would go unnoticed if talent management was not properly implemented.

During her time at Morrisons, Anna Barsby, founder and managing partner of Tessiant, spoke with CIO UK on the necessity of succession planning. She stated,

“We have a good number of women in our technology team at Morrisons which is lovely to see, however, we have to keep role-modelling, keep nurturing, keep encouraging and keep succession-planning because there aren’t enough women coming through”

What are the benefits of Succession Planning?
The goal of succession planning is to ensure that a firm always has the correct executives in place in the event of a sudden transition. 

Your organisation may not get a second chance if it does not adjust swiftly when a key member quits or dies away because you failed to implement an orderly succession plan. 

While succession planning may appear to be a time-consuming process, there are several ways in which it may help your company. 

The following are some of the advantages of succession planning:
  • Future-proofs your business
Most crucially, succession planning helps your organisation's resilience in the case of abrupt change. It's also less difficult to replace personnel when roles fall vacant.

  • Facilitates training and development 
Employees may be able to shift laterally into roles with similar abilities if succession planning is done. This offers up opportunities for a fulfilling career that your finest employees may not have considered.

  • Talent retention and long-term planning 
Another major benefit of succession planning is enhanced staff retention by providing clear chances for advancement. 

Organisations may lessen their dependence on recruiting by preparing ahead of time, so that talent is only acquired outside as a last resort. 

  • Maintain the integrity and credibility of the brand 
When done incorrectly, succession planning may have a far-reaching influence on the organisation, particularly in publicly visible roles. 

When a new senior executive joins the company from outside, it's critical that the leadership team takes efforts to ensure that the new hire knows the company's core principles. 

  • Identifies weak spots 
Succession planning entails a risk assessment that identifies weaknesses and skills shortages in your staff. You may start to discover areas of weakness in your present organisational structure by looking at it department by department. This will help you determine how your company strategy will be affected.

How to identify potential successors
There are several options for finding a new successor, here are a few:

  • Formal and Informal Approaches
Participants in succession planning programmes might be chosen informally, such as through interactions with managers, or formally, through the performance review process and competency assessments. 

  • Key Competencies 
Many organisations have created technical and general competency frameworks that include a wide variety of required abilities and behaviours. 

The evaluation procedure for generic frameworks might be a good place to start when reviewing a candidate's prior performance for a senior position. As a result, current competence frameworks may need to be linked with succession plans.

  • Diversity, openness, and fairness 
Employees must be aware of the succession planning process. Transparency is critical in the processes used to assess possible successors and the types of positions that are judged appropriate for each individual. 

Openness must be accompanied by fairness, and all applicants must be evaluated honestly. Many major organisations have succession planning committees that examine and question choices as well as provide advice on how to improve the process.

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2022-09-06 15:00 Legal